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How to Draw a Kawaii Tiger in Inkscape

Hi guys,

This is my first tutorial for how to create game art in Inkscape,

You may need a basic understanding of the program but most of it is explained along the way,


Step 1: Create a Oval shape with the circle tool. Make the Oval shape 339x248 Pxs (Press Ctrl+Shift+M will bring up a transform/resize menu) and place in the Center of your drawing area

Step 2: Create a smaller Circle (Around 100Pxs), Press Ctrl+Alt+C To make the object go to path,

Move the Bottom node of the circle up slightly to make the shape in the Picture, Then rotate that shape slightly, Place the Object on the Oval to create the ears, Duplicate this (Ctrl+D) Flip it horizontally (H Key) And move to the other side of the Oval to create the 2nd Ear.

Step 3: Create a small Circle (33px) for the Eyes, Colour it Black, Place this circle where you would like the eye, Duplicate the circle (Ctrl+D) and Resize it smaller with the handles, and colour this one white, and then duplicate the white circle and place it near the bottom of the Black circle as in the picture. Duplicate all 3 Objects (Shift+ Left Click on each of the 3 Circles) And Move the 2nd eye to where you would like it on the face.

Step 4: To make the inside of the Ears, Just duplicate the Ear shape Resize it smaller and place where you like them. Do this for both sides.

Step 5: To create the Nose Just Create a small Rectagle with the Square Tool (43x21Px), Then convert the square to a path (Ctrl+Shift+C), Then by Shift+left clicking both the bottom nodes of the square, align the Nodes to The centre (Ctrl+Shift+A), Press the Icons Shown in the Picture.

Step 6: Now we need to create the Mouth and surrounding Features. To do this create a circle and resize it to 144x105Px's. This will be on top of all the other features created, so to move it under the nose, simply hit the page down key to send it back a layer. Then place it around the nose area as in the picture. Now for the mouth we will use the Draw Beizer curves tool and create a shape as follows, Then select all the nodes and round them with the tool to make one side of the mouth. Duplicate (Ctrl+D) and flip (H Key) and move to the other side of the mouth

Step 7: To add the whisker holes, just make 3 small black circles (6x6px) and arrange them in the pattern shown in the picture. Hold shift and left click on the 3 Black circles and duplicate them (Ctrl+D) then group them together (Ctrl+G) Then move the new circles to the other side of the nose.

Step 8: To Union the Ears with the head, Hold Shift and left click both ears and the original oval, Click Path in the top tool bar, And select Union, This will make these all one shape, Easier for Highlights, Shadows etc later.

Step 9: Now to change the colours, If you have not done so already, Change the main oval shape (Now with the ears) to a nice orange colour (I chose f46205ff, See the picture where to write this),

The inside of the ears a pinky colour (de8787ff) and the small mouth oval a light grey/white colour (ccccccff)

Step 10: Now to add the stripes, to make the stripes, Just duplicate the nose, Move it above the picture, and stretch the triangle shape like the picture indicates, Make around 4 Stripes. Now group those 4 stripes together and duplicate them. Rotate them 90 degrees with the button shown in the picture and place them on the side of the tiger as shown. Also duplicate these one more time and flip them (H) and place them on the other side of the face. Then to make them fit in the face, WE duplicate the original oval (Ctrl+D), Shift left click and of the stripes that are sticking out of the shape, Right click on the Oval shape and select the option “Set Clip”. Now all of the stripes will be inside of the face shape.

Step 11: Now to do Simple Highlights we duplicate the original oval shape (Ctrl+D), Then duplicate that again, Move it slightly to the right and bottom (As in picture) and select from the top tool bar, Path and then difference. This will cut out a part of the oval shape. Change this to white, remove the stroke, And set the opacacity to 15 as in the picture. To do the shadows, Do the same thing except instead of moving the 2nd shape down and right, Move it up and left. Cut the shape with difference and change the colour to a dark purple, and opacity to 25.

Step 12: To make the mouth oval a better shape, We will re-use our stripe shapes, Select the original stripes (The ones on the face won't work for this), Rotate them like the ones on the side, And scale them down to 67x52px, and place them to the side of the mouth as shown in the picture. Then duplicate and flip them (H) and move them to the other side of the mouth. Make sure you select all the mouth stripes and the mouth oval, And union the shape together (The top toolbar, Path, Union).

This makes a new shape for the mouth.

Step 13. The last step is to make a thick outline, to do this duplicate the original shape once again, take the fill colour out (Click the X in the colours). This will make the shape just an outline, Now change the stroke width to 3px as in the picture. Also change the Mouth Lines to 3px. This completes the tuturiol. Congrats on making a cute tiger!

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